January Reboot!

We all know what happens in January! Seriously! The after Christmas Blues, combined with Resolutions that just don’t stick, plus that yucky feeling that comes with too much chocolate, too much intense running around, and even yes, too much FUN! Then of course there is that New Year Hangover. Blah, that’s what it feel s like, Blah.


Well, this year, I and all of my students, and all of my current clients will hit the ground running. We REV IT UP! Any time and every time we need it. This year, I’m doing something a little different. I’m offering a 4 week special – with amazing discounts! But here’s where it gets a bit tricky. The sooner you call, 661-209-2632 the better your price will be! Call between today (Dec.28, 2015) and January 7th and you will receive 50% off of a 4 session program! (Yes, of course you still get your FREE hypnosis screening! It will NOT count toward your sessions, and will help us determine your needs.)



*But wait, there’s LESS! (Not what you’re used to hearing, I know, but that’s how its going to work.) If you wait and call to book your FREE screening January 8th-15th, you still get a discount…but only 40% off.

*But wait, there’s even LESS! (Not sounding so good, huh?. Then pick up the phone and call! 661-209-2632) Call between January 15th and 22nd and you STILL get 30% off

(Bummer! Why weight? – yes, I know, it’s a pun.) Call between Jan. 23rd and the end of January, 2016, and you can still receive 20% off.


Still have questions? Private message me or better yet? CALL and lock in your price AND ask questions!

What kind of things will we be working on? Well actually, the usual things that go on in my office:

Weight Loss: It’s not unusual for my clients to lose weight during the holidays, and still get Revved UP in January.

Smoking Cessation: Probably one of the most often resolution made, and failed, is to stop smoking. Hypnosis helps. Honestly!

Stress Management: This is one situation where rather that Rev IT UP, we more likely to help you calm it down.

Relationship Rescue: You’re not alone if you’re struggling with your personal relationship(s). But if you want to Rev It UP! A four week relationship program can really help.

Personal Growth: This is a really fun ride! Life should be interesting, and filled with fun, adventure, and excitement. Where are you in your life, and where do you want to be?

See you soon!

Why Dream Ordinary?

 Vicky Thomas
Rev It Up! Hypnosis Centers
Founding Board member of the Master Hypnotist Society, an Ethics and Training board for Hypnosis and NLP Trainers.  Professional Speaker and Trainer. Member/Trainer Christian Hypnotist Association
Why Dream Ordinary?